Sunday, August 10, 2008

Life on the Other Side!

This is my fifth, yes I said FIFTH attempt to sit down and write something. I started to write about a very fun adventure our family took to Lake Cascade last weekend. After an hour of trying to figure out how to put the stupid pictures on the page, I have up. I will have to save pictures for another time and space where I don't have so much to do. Probably when the kids go back to school in a couple of weeks. Maybe then I will regain my sanity and any stray brain cells. This particular blog is in fact another attempt to avoid the thing I hate most about my job: case notes. So I thought I would just do an in general kinds of update for those who care to know. If you don't well, I suppose there is way more fascinating stuff out there for you somewhere in blogsphere.

So, like I said. Last week, on Thursday,we drove all the way around Lake Cascade. I am not sure exactly how big this lake is. Larger than either Cottage Grove or Dorena Lake, I am sure. I think it is at least fifteen miles long, half of which is nothing more than a gravel road. Found that out the hard way. Who knew that the sign on the road that said "restricted travel" really meant: "Hey city boy you're 'bout to put that fancy four wheel drive to the test!" Actually the road wasn't too bad in some spots, but it did lead to an extra hour in the suburban than we were were expecting. Not too fun for Mr. "I'm bored" in the back seat. We found a couple of nice beaches and ate, swam, and explored. Myranda thought she struck it rich when she saw the gold flecks floating in the lake. She actually did see a penny in the water. Micah discovered that plastic 4x4's do indeed float even when water logged. Mikayla's dressed up as a pirate for the day (her current obsession).

On Friday, we spent the morning hunting down Micah's birthday present. We were looking for some kind of portable gaming system, but since we have never used let alone purchased said system we were a little bit out of our league. We started with pawn shops to see if we could find a good deal. We found lots of good deals, if you are into guns, swords, and other interesting weapons. Okay, as every good hunter knows a cell phone is an invaluable piece of equipment. As our allotted time without Micah was coming to an end, Mike decided to call the list of pawn shops he had on his list. It was a bust . .nothing . .no one had anything like what we were looking for. But, hey! Melanie has a great idea! What about that add on Craigslist. It sounded like a good idea. Oh crap! We didn't bring the number. Now comes the tricky part. You see, we actually still use our mobile phones as well, . . .um . . PHONES! So on the side of the road in the "scary" part of Nampa Melanie does a crash coarse on browsing the Internet on a cell phone. Success! Phone call made, merchandise in question still available, now to find location. Southwest Boise! That's only thirty minutes and a lot of traffic from where we are. But wait! Redemption. There is a Dutch Bros. on the way home. Yes! We will sacrifice the gold fuel in the tank to make the trek. Item secured.

Saturday was Micah's birthday (see pics on Myspace). We started the day with a french toast and strawberry brunch. Brunch only because the birthday boys father dragged his sorry self down the stairs at that time. Well he WAS on vacation. I guess I"ll give him a breakthis time. Then we spent the afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese with all the golden tokens, soda, and cupcakes a little boy could want. Then home to open family presents.

I don't recall what happened Sunday. I know we went to church, but beyond that my memory fails me.

Monday through Wednesday are work days for me. I work insanely long hours so I can have four days off in a week to be with my kids during the summer. Those three days go something like . .get up at the crack of dawn, drink coffee, shower get dressed, and drive to the office. At the office it is: how many people am I seeing this week? You scheduled how many new clients? Are the roofers ever going to lunch? What makes less noise a manual or pneumatic hammer? I haven't done billing sheets in how long? How many case notes do I need to type? Oh treatment plans are due this week? WHO wants to talk to me? Do I have to take that phone call? Welfare is doing their audit when (read: failed audit means loss of job?) Make phone call to Health and Welfare to report some horrific act being carried out on a young child so they can again do NOTHING! Console said child's parent on the phone in my best, "I have done all I can do voice," and go home.

Thursday was the dentist. I'll spare you the boring details. Back to school shopping, Dollar Tree Shopko, Costco, Winco, and Walmart!

Friday attempt to cook ahead a few meals, watch friends children, supervise play date with Micah's friend, buy stuff a birthday party, small group/friends 40th birthday party!

Saturday, finish decorating Mikayla's room, laundry,another birthday party

Sunday . . .well today I attempted to return the curtains that I have ordered and returned three times now. If I didn't love the curtains I would have given up. I feel sorry for Mike because he has to keep track of all the debits/credits that have now been made.

So now that I have totally avoided typing my case notes, I am exhausted. I think I need to go get some sleep. I don't think this week will be any less hectic.


Alexis said...

Holy cow, I'm afraid to do a "week of stuff" post like this because I fear what it will actually look like. Ha! Way to go! You are a busy lady! (We're still on for Sunday, right? I'm thinking lunch after church)

Dick Daring said...

Holy Crap! Sis, I am assumptin there was a quasi vacation floating around in there? no wonder I havent heard from you guys! Being busy does have its advantages, they say that 'idle hands are the devils playthings'