Monday, October 27, 2008

One Soft Spot

It has been a long time since we have had any four legged types running around our family. Not that our children have not begged, pleaded, promised endlessly to feed, water, and care for any and every need a critter might need in order to soften the hard heart of their parents. There are lots of really great reasons why we have avoided animals in our home. The main reason, as my husband so kindly puts it: THEY POO!

As our hearts are not made of stone (contrary to the opinion of the three young one we share our home with) we have seemed to find a true soft spot. . . . .

This is Lucky. His personality is as black and white as his spots. I call him ferocious. When he is not looking super cute totally conked out he is running around chasing anything that will move.

This is Sam. I call him recluse. He is Lucky's big brother. Rumor has it the boys' momma is quite popular in Garden City. All the boys just LOVE her. Sam is very laid back and loves to find a dark spot to hide away and take a long, long nap.

At least when he is awake he likes to be helpful. Myranda has been complaining about how heavy her book bag is to carry to school. That's Sam always ready to lend a helping paw.


Alexis said...

What adorable photos!! I'm glad you have some kitties in your home now. And I hope you don't step in anything... poo-like!

Katie said...

It's "Sharp Tooth"! Remember him?? OF courSe, who could forget those sharp teeth and adorable smile.

Ahhhh, Rick caved too as I'm sure you have seen. He actually went and got our two little monsters. (they have only poo'd in my plants twice)

So glad for your poor deprived children (hah!) that you got them the pets they deserve. LOL!