Friday, November 14, 2008

This Is What I Do

In the process of teaching a class on personality theories over the last four weeks I have come to understand the secret behind by blog blocks. I do not have a creative mind, or an imaginative mind, or an expressive mind. It is a struggle for me to create something from nothing. My mind uses the past as a reference for making current and future decisions. Not that I am stuck or fixated in the past, but previous experience is my compass. Show me how it has been done before or how how someone else has done it. Once I have a picture of what has been before I can take it recreate it, improve it, and make it my own. I have an analytical mind. I THINK about stuff all the time. Creative thought drains my energy. It is exhausting, frustrating, and often leaves me feeling incompetent and well a little . . .bored. Do not despair for me those two or three of you who actually read this blog, and do have a brain that relishes being creative. While I may not be creative, I am INVENTIVE and I really get of a lot of satisfaction of taking things from the past and reinventing them. So here are a few things I have learned over the last four weeks.

I am an introvert. I love being around one or two people at a time, but groups, large crowds, and parties are exhausting. I do not require a lot of stimulation. Therefore, I understand that I CANNOT truly focus on more than one thing at a time. A space of my own is a MUST for studying and class preparation. I have to be away from all the distractions (laundry, dishes, talking children, chatty husband) or I will have to read the same paragraph ten times. But in preparing that place for myself I can take an old kitchen table and use it for a desk, without feeling like the office has invaded my bedroom. And, I saved lots of money by not buying a pre-fabed, put it together yourself, and don't you dare ever move it, desk from Wal-Mart.

I am a thinking person. I analyze the situation and operate from the facts, but I don't need to over analyze a situation. For me it is easy to see how one can take something from the past and change it and make it something with a new, useful purpose. Like taking a perfectly good $50 kitchen table that was too big to fulfill its desired purpose as a desk, and turn it into a very practical, yet beautiful coffee table. Not only did I use my superior analytical skills to solve the missing coffee table dilemma, but I also solved the, "how in the heck do you get a coffee table to not look like a bench next to a seven foot couch problem." Ta-Dah! Problem solved.

I am a sensible person which means I use a lot of common sense and practical solutions that have clear and concrete answers. Thus I know from past experience that when one's brain is foggy because they are trying to read or write class notes at 10:00pm there is a sure fire way to lift the brain fog and restore stimulation to the drained brain waves.

I am a person who relies on sound judgement. I plan details (I have to have all the details together before I can make a plan). I naturally rely on routine and goals to reduce stress and anxiety.

Which is why I am SO glad the keys on the computer keyboard never change. At least I can rely on them when nothing else works. With their steadfast presence I can tolerate testy computer software, human error, or graphics that will not download when I want them to, and interfere with my carefully thought out plan, making it feel more like I am always making it up as I go along. Which I am not because my personality profile says I most definitely DO NOT DO THAT~ And we all know that personality profiles place you in a well defined, unbendable, unchangeable box that defines exactly how and who you are and they are NEVER, NEVER wrong.


Katie said...

See how creative you are! Er, inventive.

I am so jealous of your redone coffee table and Pepsi too, for that matter.

I most defiantly don't fit into a box, nope, not me, no box here. What. So. EVER. :) Well, maybe if it's cute and well decorated.

Dick Daring said...

Details just tie yu down, man! It's a plot; Im tellin ya- the government wants all the little worker bees to consume (purchase) its pre-packaged version of previously seen reality, man.... wheres my keys dude?

Alexis said...

I don't think you lack creativity in the least... you just use it in a practical way. Whereas I waste my time with it. hahaha

Matter of fact, I feel the overwhelming urge to make a header for your page - let me know if you're interested. It seems fitting since you're my best friend from the beginning of time and all. I want to. I need to. I can do pictures, graphics, whatever. Have you seen my "side" blog? It's over here at:
Happy Freebie Day! (Well, it is now!)

I miss you guys! Hugs from all of us to all of you. n

startastical said...

Sure have at it. I'll even let you choose.

Alexis said...

Ok, I posted a header idea on my OTHER blog... go tell me what you think.

(By the way, the word verification says "Misser" - I miss her too!)

Miri said...

Diet soda is the answer.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from the really green side of the fence.
Your other grandma tends to over analyze and over work her poor , poor hubby so I can feel your dilema. So relax, in the words of Mike-in-the-Box, Don't worry, be Happy