Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today I Was Lazy

Well sort off. I guess about as lazy as I get. I cancelled my whole afternoon and came home and took a nap. I have a little cold. It isn't a really bad one, just enough to be annoying really. I felt a little worse than I did yesterday, but not to the point of misery yet. Right now it is at the "as long as I don't move I feel fine" stage. If I move, well that is a whole other story.

Anyway . . . I was in my office this morning thinking to myself (something I do A LOT of), self I don't feel really good. Oh, look. I rushed to the office and my first two client's cancelled. I have a ton of billing to do, reports to write, evaluations to proof read, classes to prepare for, classes to teach, papers to grade, a child's birthday party to prepare for, and Thanksgiving next week. I am sure your head is spinning by now, just as mine was this morning. I can swear that my head was not spinning from the lousy side effects of cold medicine. Anyhow after I finished my long mental "to do list" I thought to myself; I am going home. I am tired, I have a lot to do, and no chances to get any extra rest in the next 48 hours and I need some sleep. So I did. I left right then. Well, actually I left after I called all my clients, after I caught up to yesterday on my billing, after I printed a report to proof, and after I met with my supervisor. Then I did it. I left work early, went home, and took a nap. I was awakened by the cheerful and puzzled sound of my son's voice saying "mom!?" That is the puzzled sound of a child who is not used to his mother being home before he is.

See, I told you I was lazy today.


Alexis said...

I love how your day went! I looked at my calendar yesterday, realized I didn't have anything PUBLIC to do, so I refused a shower and decided to take a nap (look who ELSE is in the first few days of a delightful cold!). Well, the nap didn't happen, but I'm happy to report that the shower didn't either. hahaha Hope you're feeling better soon!

(And your header looks GREAT on your page!)

Katie said...

Tisk, tisk. What shall we do? Call the lazy patrol.

:)You deserve a day off now and again!